Selasa, 23 April 2013

Beauty and the Beast

Beauty and the Beast

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This "tale as old as the world," the adventures of Belle, a bright young woman who finds herself imprisoned in the castle of a mysterious beast. With the help of staff enchanted castle, a delightful and tender romance develops between these two these unlikely friends and Belle soon learns the most important lesson of all - that true beauty comes from film within.The who scored officially animated Disney renaissance (following The Little Mermaid ), and the only film animation for a Best Picture Oscar nomination, Beauty and the Beast received is the standard by which all other animated films should be measured. It tells the story of Belle, a bookworm library with a dotted inventor for a father when he inadvertently violates the Beast (a prince whose heart is too hard to love someone other than himself), Belle boldly takes her father's place, imprisoned Beast in the dark mansion. Obviously Belle learns to love the Beast. What makes this a Dazzler, besides the animation amazingly accomplished and the winning coterie of supporting characters (the Beast's home is invaded by joking, dancing household items) is the array of beautiful and hilarious songs by composer Alan Menken and the late, lamented lyricist Howard Ashman. (The title song won the 1991 Best Song Oscar, and Menken pointing scored a trophy as well.) The song downright funny is "Gaston," a lout hymn to himself (including the immortal line, "I use wood in all of my de-co-ra-tion"). "Be Our Guest" is transformed into an inspired Busby Berkeley homage Since the death of Ashman, animated musicals have not yet reached the same exhilarating level of wit, sophistication, and pure joy - .. David Kronke - This text refers to the print or unavailable edition of this title .

List Price: $ 29.99
Price: $ 17.73

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