The Lion King, Simba's Pride - We Are One For latest videos and stories visit: Disclaimer: I do not own The Lion King, I own nothi... Video Rating: 4 / 5
"Things don't always go the way we planned." >Tell that to Zira "We'll never turn away when it seems all your dreams come undone. We Will stand by your side, filled with hope and filled with pride." >Where was this attitude when you exiled Kovu, huh?
Life move's pretty fast if you don't and look around once and while you could miss it
BalasHapus1,066 people are hyenas from the outlands lol
BalasHapus0:10 goosebumps and tears of joy! ahh the good times :)
BalasHapusPretty sure Kiara called Simba out on that hypocrisy.
BalasHapusEven Those Who Are Gone
BalasHapusAre With Us As We Go On
Drowning in feels when I hear that....
HA HAHA I love it. im a outlander and I hit like ;)
BalasHapusThank you.
BalasHapusIt is a case of "Do as I say, not as I do."
BalasHapusIn fact, polish wersion is... BETTER! :D I love it. <33
BalasHapusIt's not a deer, it's a wildebeest.
BalasHapusThey were trying to press the "Like" button but had a mouse-click spasm and pressed the wrong button. It happens. :)
BalasHapusThanks for the correction.
BalasHapus1062 outlanders
BalasHapusYou're both wrong. It's a wildebeest.
BalasHapusDeer? That is a buffalo.
BalasHapusThis song just goes to show: you can be part of a community, as one, but you can still retain your individuality.
BalasHapus"Things don't always go the way we planned." >Tell that to Zira
BalasHapus"We'll never turn away when it seems all your dreams come undone. We Will stand by your side, filled with hope and filled with pride." >Where was this attitude when you exiled Kovu, huh?
me 2
BalasHapusThis was my favorite song when i saw this movie!!!
BalasHapusWho says Disney can't make a good sequel?
BalasHapusLion king 2 songs are better than the first ones.
BalasHapusgood question lol
BalasHapusHow the heck does somewhat make a cartoon lion so attractive.
BalasHapus0:51 Lol I can just see simba pouncing on it to eat it